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公益性服务 Center Promotes Economic Recovery



Darryl麦克斯韦At Washington Economic Partnership’s 2020 Retail Summit 今年九月,D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center Assistant Director Darryl麦克斯韦 spoke on a panel with other experts about Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) compliance for community nonprofits and small business owners. This outreach is part of the 公益性服务 Center’s ongoing effort to strengthen local organizations as they navigate the pandemic and an economic recession.

整个夏天, the Center guided nearly 200 nonprofits and small businesses through the PPP application process as part of its Financial Relief Brief Legal 建议 program. Forty-two percent of those applicants were unaware of the PPP and other Small Business Administration relief programs before contacting the Center.

Maxwell and other Summit panelists advised PPP recipients on building the appropriate documentation for approval. “Meeting the assistance guidelines without in-house counsel is a challenge,” Maxwell said. “Several organizations are working with us to ensure they keep all necessary records so they can successfully convert the aid they’ve received into a grant they do not have to repay.”

The Center has worked with 135 volunteer attorneys in the District to help nonprofits and small businesses apply for and comply with financial relief. Clients complimented their volunteer attorneys’ dedication, diligence, and expertise:

  • “我们的澳门赌场官网帮了大忙, they answered all my questions and followed up with additional information.” – 非营利组织 that serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

  • “I was able to realize through the briefing that [the business] may not have been eligible for the EIDL program. Our attorney was very nice and her briefing was very professional and candid.” – Local small sustainable energy company

  • The two lawyers were knowledgeable and the information they provided was useful. 说得对. 我们收到了贷款和赠款.” – D.C. 女性拥有的咨询公司

Many organizations that received the PPP relief are now returning to the Center for help determining if their organizations qualify for partial or full forgiveness of the loan per the PPP guidelines. The Center predicts it will be offering legal assistance on financial relief issues related to the pandemic for months to come.


D.C. 上诉法院


上诉法院 Specifies When a Flat Fee Is Earned

In re Alexei, decided August 1, 2024, by the D.C. 上诉法院, holds that absent an agreement specifying to the contrary, an attorney earns a flat-fee payment only upon completion of all enlisted services. The court announced its interpretation of Rule 1.15 . D.C. 职业行为准则 for the first time, clarifying an issue previously addressed in In re Mance. The opinion, issued less than three months after oral argument, is here.



高等法院 Welcomes Two New Magistrate Judges


Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring swore in two new magistrate judges, 日本经济产业省Abebe和David Richter, on August 12 inside her chambers at the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia.
